Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Not much to say today.....

I'm mostly tired and I have a nice cold. I'm doing better than last year though. I'd had two colds by now last year but this year only one so far and I fought off another with vitamin C. Missed the boat on this one though. Ran out of vitamin C. I still swear anyone is better off if they take care of themselves first so they can give their students all they need. It will be worth it.

Testing time is coming up in April. I'm not looking forward to that. I wish it was over now. It's very nerve racking because you hope you've prepared them for everything. We have some review to do still but I think they will be fine. This group is with it. They know our goal and all. I hope they do well. They have so much potential and ability. I'm anxious to see what they can get done.

That's about it for tonight. I'm beat. Too tired to think anymore.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Almost at the end of year two....

I'm almost at the end of my second year now. I haven't blogged at all this school year. I guess it has just passed by too quickly and I haven't kept up very well. This year has been easier. I think it is a combination of things to be honest. First, I have a group of students this year that are totally the opposite of last years. That helps a lot. Second, I have had things more well structured and it has saved me a lot of time and frustration. Following power standards helps to streamline lessons easier. I suggest it to anyone who wants to make lessons easier. Finally, we had a lot of snow days and now are playing catch up. The weather has been horrid and is just now warming up nicely. We went from Dec-March without any outside recess due to snow and cold. Rough.

My husband wants me to blog more. He thinks I'll be a natural at it because I journal all the time. It could be. Either way, I have to go for now. Third period arrived.